June 2, 2024

“Reed presented me to a mental wellbeing coach, and we’ve been talking,” said Edwards. “And I’ve been perusing books around mental wellbeing. Fair to be able to be free, fair play, and rationally be superior, it feels truly great, fair to not have negative contemplations, continuously have the positive. Have a positive voice at the podium.”
Coming into Lexington, Edwards was positioned as tall as the No. 1 select at one point by a few administrations, so the ability was continuously there inside Edwards. The ability fair required to be unleashed and Edwards required to break through, and over the relentless course of the final couple of weeks, Edwards has been progressing game-by-game.
“I think it’s made a difference him a part, and I trust it has,” said Sheppard. “I’ve been fortunate sufficient to have this fellow. He’s been able to assist me be positive and, no matter what, have a positive voice and a positive attitude toward everything. That has truly made a difference. I knew Justin wasn’t doing it on reason. He was fair battling. I knew in the event that he seem conversation to somebody, somebody may conversation with him around remaining positive.”

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