September 22, 2024

NEWS NOW:Following the kicker’s crucial field goal miss, Buffalo Bills supporters give $260,000 to a charity….

By Wednesday afternoon, the Ten Lives Club cat rescue facility in the Buffalo suburbs had received almost $260,000 in donations from all across the country.

The generosity of this is really astounding, according to shelter spokesperson Kimberly LaRussa.

She said, “Of course, we wish it was under better circumstances.” He hasn’t heard from us. However, I have a good feeling that he has witnessed what is happening, and I hope it makes him happy.

Thanks to commitments from businesses and celebrities like TV chef and pet food producer Rachael Ray, the gifts started to pour in late Sunday and haven’t stopped.

Bass has not said anything since he addressed the media after the game.

“It’s awful, you know? It hurts because I adore this team. This particular one

After the game, many of Bass’s teammates consoled him; general manager Brandon Beane claimed to have given the kicker a hug.

Beane remarked on Tuesday, “I hate that’s the kick he has to live with until next September.” “I wish that those who are criticizing him, whether they are fans or not, would consider his career, how hard he works, and how much his teammates and this organization trust in him. In this facility, support is unwavering.

Bass, a native of South Carolina, has played with the Bills for his whole four-year NFL career.

Through the NGO Show Your Soft Side, which enlists sportsmen and celebrities to speak out against animal abuse, he was first made aware of Ten Lives two years ago. Ten


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