July 1, 2024

SEBASTIAN VETTEL has been outspoken in the battle against climate change and wore an anti-oilsands T-shirt as he arrived at the Canadian Grand Prix this week.

Sebastian Vettel has come under fire from Alberta’s Energy Minister Sonya Savage for his “hypocrisy” in fighting against climate change while still racing in F1.

The four-time world champion has taken on an activist role in recent years to raise awareness of climate-related issue.

Sebastian Vettel branded a ‘hypocrite’ by Canadian minister after fresh F1 protest

SEBASTIAN VETTEL has been outspoken in the battle against climate change and wore an anti-oilsands T-shirt as he arrived at the Canadian Grand Prix this week.

Sebastian Vettel has continued to speak out in the battle against climate change (Image: GETTY)

Sebastian Vettel has come under fire from Alberta’s Energy Minister Sonya Savage for his “hypocrisy” in fighting against climate change while still racing in F1. The four-time world champion has taken on an activist role in recent years to raise awareness of climate-related issues.

Vettel wore a t-shirt which read “Miami 2060 – 1st Grand Prix Underwater – Act Now or Swim Later” at the inaugural American race back in May, referring to the rising sea levels around the world. And ahead of the Canadian Grand Prix, Vettel has taken aim at the mining operations in Alberta.

He arrived earlier in the week wearing a t-shirt which read “Stop Mining Tar Sands” along with a picture of a pipeline. Vettel also debuted a new helmet with a similar message on it, calling it “Canada’s climate crime”.

But his activism hasn’t sat well with Canadian politician Savage, who mocked Vettel for his “hypocrisy” as an F1 driver. “I have seen a lot of hypocrisy over the years, but this one takes the cake,” she tweeted.

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